
Our Snappy New API (short snAPI) is a powerful Python wrapper which enables seamless
communication and configuration with PicoQuant Time Correlated Single Photon Counting
Instruments (TCSPC devices). It harnesses the advantages of C++ for optimal speed and
performance and bridges the gap between the high-speed capabilities of your PicoQuant
TCSPC device and the ease of use and versatility of Python.
snAPI provides a high-level interface to the underlying C++ library and enables users to tap
into the full potential of your TCSPC device while maintaining the flexibility and versatility
of the Python programming language. The low-level control offered by C++ ensures smooth
and efficient data processing, enabling efficient handling of large photon counts and their
real-time analysis. Additionally, snAPI introduces another dimension of flexibility by
providing the option to access unfolded data from your PicoQuant TCSPC device. This opens a whole
new realm of possibilities, allowing researchers, developers, and scientists to delve deeper
into their data and extract valuable insights.
By leveraging the power of Python users can build their own algorithms, implement complex
calculations, and develop tailored data processing pipelines for analysis. With snAPI, users
can make use of advanced measurement classes such as timetrace, histogram, unfold, raw and
correlation (e.g, FCS, g2), without worrying about the intricacies of device handling. The
measurement classes can be sequentially combined with data manipulators (e.g. coincidence,
herald, merge, delay) to provide maximum flexibility in analysis.
snAPI is free to use and compatible with PicoQuant TimeHarp 260 (drivers optional),
To get started users just need a PicoQuant TCSPC device, its Library/DLL, Python, and snAPI.